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Christian Roth - OnlyLens

Christian Roth

DITA Group by Christian Roth

Christian Roth is a designer of luxury eyewear who started their adventure into the world of glasses over 30 years ago yet. They were absolute pioneers in creating the optical and fashionable sunglasses the world has never seen before. They were really vanguard in terms of creativity and their success has come pretty fast even thought initially most part of their partners didn’t take them too seriously without seeing this strong potential. At this very time Christian Roth has converted into a “sleeping giant” of the world of fashionable sunglasses.

“Purchasing a Christian Roth frame is like becoming the owner of the piece of cultural history”

“Even from the initial conversations it became clear that DITA understood the conviction and passion needed to raise the brand. This very understanding has become the key aspect we’ve chosen DITA as our partner and representative of the brand” (Christian Roth and Eric Domege).

All the Christian Roth brand has achieved and created over 30 years has never been more relevant than it is today, as a new generation rejects the racial, gender, and class labels that once confined designers and their customers.

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39 produits


Color_Christian Roth OCCUPANTColor_Christian Roth OCCUPANT
Christian Roth OCCUPANT Prix de vente285 €
Color_Christian Roth TRIPALEColor_Christian Roth TRIPALE
Christian Roth TRIPALE Prix de vente285 €
Color_Christian Roth VINZColor_Christian Roth VINZ
Christian Roth VINZ Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth 5USWColor_Christian Roth 5USW
Christian Roth 5USW Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth AEMICColor_Christian Roth AEMIC
Christian Roth AEMIC Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth ARCHIVE 1993Color_Christian Roth ARCHIVE 1993
Christian Roth ARCHIVE 1993 Prix de venteA partir de 238 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth AREAColor_Christian Roth AREA
Christian Roth AREA Prix de vente285 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth ARMERColor_Christian Roth ARMER
Christian Roth ARMER Prix de vente285 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth BIKINIColor_Christian Roth BIKINI
Christian Roth BIKINI Prix de vente451 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth CEKTOColor_Christian Roth CEKTO
Christian Roth CEKTO Prix de vente309 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth CR-100Color_Christian Roth CR-100
Christian Roth CR-100 Prix de vente380 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth CR-101Color_Christian Roth CR-101
Christian Roth CR-101 Prix de vente380 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth CR-401Color_Christian Roth CR-401
Christian Roth CR-401 Prix de vente428 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth CR-700Color_Christian Roth CR-700
Christian Roth CR-700 Prix de vente309 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth CR-701Color_Christian Roth CR-701
Christian Roth CR-701 Prix de vente309 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth CR-703Color_Christian Roth CR-703
Christian Roth CR-703 Prix de vente309 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth DREESENColor_Christian Roth DREESEN
Christian Roth DREESEN Prix de vente309 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth DRONERColor_Christian Roth DRONER
Christian Roth DRONER Prix de vente261 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth ELLSWORTHColor_Christian Roth ELLSWORTH
Christian Roth ELLSWORTH Prix de vente356 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth FIRIColor_Christian Roth FIRI
Christian Roth FIRI Prix de vente261 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth FUNKERColor_Christian Roth FUNKER
Christian Roth FUNKER Prix de vente428 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth JACKIE 60Color_Christian Roth JACKIE 60
Christian Roth JACKIE 60 Prix de vente238 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth KARDOColor_Christian Roth KARDO
Christian Roth KARDO Prix de vente238 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth LINANColor_Christian Roth LINAN
Christian Roth LINAN Prix de vente261 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth LINE-TYPEColor_Christian Roth LINE-TYPE
Christian Roth LINE-TYPE Prix de vente428 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth NOMINAColor_Christian Roth NOMINA
Christian Roth NOMINA Prix de vente285 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth NU-TYPEColor_Christian Roth NU-TYPE
Christian Roth NU-TYPE Prix de vente356 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth OSKARIColor_Christian Roth OSKARI
Christian Roth OSKARI Prix de vente380 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth PULSEWIDTHColor_Christian Roth PULSEWIDTH
Christian Roth PULSEWIDTH Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth REDUCERColor_Christian Roth REDUCER
Christian Roth REDUCER Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth RINAColor_Christian Roth RINA
Christian Roth RINA Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth RIZZEIColor_Christian Roth RIZZEI
Christian Roth RIZZEI Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth ROUND WAVColor_Christian Roth ROUND WAV
Christian Roth ROUND WAV Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth SERIES 4001Color_Christian Roth SERIES 4001
Christian Roth SERIES 4001 Prix de vente309 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth SINE-TYPEColor_Christian Roth SINE-TYPE
Christian Roth SINE-TYPE Prix de vente428 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth SQR-WAVColor_Christian Roth SQR-WAV
Christian Roth SQR-WAV Prix de vente333 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth TEXTUELLEColor_Christian Roth TEXTUELLE
Christian Roth TEXTUELLE Prix de vente261 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth VENTRILOQUISTColor_Christian Roth VENTRILOQUIST
Christian Roth VENTRILOQUIST Prix de vente353 €
En ruptureColor_Christian Roth WAIT UNTIL DARKColor_Christian Roth WAIT UNTIL DARK
Christian Roth WAIT UNTIL DARK Prix de vente285 €