Every day there is more people that know that online shopping has many advantages, but there are still people who have not been encouraged yet to shop by a click. For them, we have compiled the four advantages to shop online.
1. Prices
OnlyLens offers the most exclusive sunglasses at the best prices. All our products are 30% off the price recommended by the manufacturer. We also include the shipping prices, so there is no extra payments. You always win!
2. Information
On our website you can find very detailed information of all our products. A complete description of the brand, the type of material which the frames are made of, the properties of the lenses or the celebrities that are wearing them. You can't find so many data in a common physical store.
3. Compare
Thanks to the clear photographs of our products and all the information that we offer you, is much easier to compare between products, prices, colours and sizes. That allow you to know very quickly the more important characteristics of the product that we have chosen.
4. Comfort
Everymoment, everywhere. That's one of the most important advantages og shopping online, because you can do it from your home, without worrying about that the store has to close or not be able to find whatever you want. We have more than 28.000 references so we are sure that you will find your perfect sunglasses.